The name "Karen" has evolved over the past few years to become more than just a forename. Today, it is frequently used to describe a middle-aged, white lady from a middle class who is entitled, overly possessive, and arrogant. Even some of your own mates may have cracked jokes like "Okay, Karen" or "Don't be a Karen." Even while it seems like everything is being said in good humour, the name "Karen" raises some important concerns. One of them is about the male version of karen which we will talk about in the article alongside the origin and meaning of the Karen thing.

What is Karen
In popular and meme culture, a woman who unintentionally or intentionally portrays herself as entitled, privileged, and entitled is referred to as a Karen. The popularity of it skyrocketed, according to The Guardian, during the 2020 coronavirus epidemic when people identified as Karen's made headlines in the US. The term was primarily associated with racism in the article, but it has come to mean much more. It is also used to refer to a classist woman who is often white, middle-aged, and American. This results from the notion that Karens are typically upper-class, middle-aged, white women who wear a particular bob cut and need to be in control at all times. However, the joke's most plausible beginning appears to be when comedian Jay Pharaoh calls a grouchy woman Karen in a 2015 show. He acknowledged that he was the one who popularised it in the year 2020. Well it still is not clear what or who is the male version of karen but we have described it below.
What makes you a male Karen
According to the urban dictionary, the male version of karen is usually a middle-aged man who is unreasonably self-righteous and complains about everything. like listening in on others' discussions. a "tattletale," especially in a workplace. Because he has nothing better to do, he will meddle in other people's matters and turn them into his own. possibly owns several cats.
Common Characteristics of a Male Karen
Although, there is no official origin or story behind the male karen but with some characteristics of a man you can say that the person is a male karen. The most common traits of such a person the internet has described as a male version of karen are:

A sense of entitlement in any circumstance
Classism, sexism, and/or racism
Physical characteristics: white, male, and middle-aged
Aggressively loud
Extremely confident in their interactions and attacks
Who is a male version of karen
One could argue that male Internet users, the majority of whom were harbouring toxic attitudes, created the male version of Karen in order to defend their flagrant use of the term, which gives them permission to physically harm anyone who, knowingly or unknowingly, transgresses the bounds of polite society. Even if there is disagreement over what to call the man who, according to incels, may be the opposite of a Chad, the alpha, Karens coexist today, both male and female Karen's exist. Or a toxic Kevin, the foolish nobody.
Female Karen vs Male version Karen
Although the name "male Karen" came from the original, there aren't many differences or parallels between the two. For instance, the threads around male Karens are generally lower. We have observed significantly less Reddit postings regarding Kens and Kyles than Karens, despite the fact that the timeline discrepancy (male Karen became popular only in 2020) is the primary cause. the existence of a dedicated subreddit for Karens with a few hundred posts per month on average. That's a lot for a meme trend that began as a joke and has consistently drawn criticism from all demographics.